Things hit a little lull this week but really, it's the calm before the OMGTHEBABYISCOMING storm. I'm officially 9 months pregnant so here's a 36 week pregnancy update for y'all (super icky picture of me and all).
How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain: Kka;jaufgy84qngn. That's how I feel about that.
Maternity clothes? Again, I seem to be living in The Boy's boxer briefs and an Old Navy tank top.
Stretch marks? All over my lower belly but no new ones anywhere else.
Sleep: Weird sleeping this week. Several days I slept just fine and others, I woke up super early and couldn't get back to sleep at all.
Best moment this week: Finishing up some small baby projects/DIYs (a bird and driftwood mobile and some burp clothes).
Movement: Always. Last night, I was reading a book and resting it on my belly… she kicked it off.
Food cravings: Berries, berries, and more berries.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of fish.
Gender: Girl.
Labor Signs: Nada.
Symptoms: I've hit that third trimester wall – I'm getting really tired easily and am completely unmotivated to do anything.
Belly Button in or out? In-ish, flattish, and looks creepy.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but starting to panic over all the stuff we need to do before she gets here.
Looking forward to: Having my brothers here. They arrive on Sunday and I'm looking forward to having them step-and-fetch for me hang out with me.
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