Okay, so it looks like this whole bunting/garland as wedding decor thing is here to stay. Mind you, that's not a complaint – I totally have plans to toss a few up at my own wedding! But when it comes to bunting, it seems that you have two options – sew your own (a bit daunting for craft newbies) or buy some (a bit expensive for cheapos).
Until now. Cuz bitches - I figured out a way to craft a great looking NO SEW bunting. No sew as in absolutely NO sewing involved at all. This is totally a "craft it while you watch crappy summer TV programming".
Step One: Download the provided tag template PDF, print out, and cut along lines (you will end up with 2 templates – one for you and one for you to guilt someone into helping you with). Download below:
Download Kiss My Tulle No Sew Bunting Template
Step Two: Use the bunting template to cut out tons of buntings from a bunch of different fabrics. This is easier if you iron all the fabric first and double it. That will allow you to cut straight lines easier and speed up the cutting pocess which is a total pain in the butt.
Step Three: Gather all your cut fabric into piles.
Step Four: Open the bias tape and plug in the glue gun.
Step Five: Flip the fabric bunting over so that the right side (the side that has the pattern printed on it) is showing. Use the glue gun to run a bead of glue along the top edge.
Step Six: Secure to the bias tape. This is easiest if you lay the bias tape on top and press down to secure (instead of trying to line up the fabric under it).
Step Seven: Repeat steps 5 and 6 until your bunting is the desired length. Try to space the individual fabric pieces evenly (I just lined the next one right up against the one before to keep things even). If you want a longer bunting then use the glue gun to secure two (or more) lengths of bias tape together.
Step Eight: Hang and enjoy!
This project is pretty simple – the hardest part is motivating yourself to cut all those damn individual buntings. I think that this bunting would look so cute strung up along the ceremony alter or draped from the ceiling at the reception.
How would you use this project in your wedding? Were you nervous to try and DIY your own wedding buntings? Or are you SO OVER buntings are weddings that you kinda wanna barf? Share your thoughts in the comments!
jacin {lovely little details} says
this is awesome!!! nice work, lady!
Jenny ~ Something Old, Something New says
Very cute! Great idea
KissMyTulle says
Thanks, ladies! I love finding no sew ways to create cool and trendy crafts.
J (Sparkly Love) says
I had nixed bunting because I didn’t feel like getting my sewing machine fixed but this looks so cute I might have to try!
KissMyTulle says
Super easy. Really the lamest part is the cutting out (your hand gets tired). But split that up over a couple of days and this is a SUPER simple DIY.
Lissa (Bellenza) says
No sew?! This is for me! And for many other DIY party planners out there. Thanks for the great how-to!
KissMyTulle says
No problem and glad that I could be of help to you. Be sure to check back next week for another easy-peasy No Sew DIY project!
Amanda says
Thank you so much!! This is awesome and exactly what I was looking for! I don’t have a sewing machine and I am not going to learn to sew in the 4 months til my wedding! You are a life saver!