Looking for the best songs for a blended family wedding? We’ve got you covered with a curated list of heartwarming and inclusive choices.
If Holiday Newsletters Were Real
It’s that time of year, y’all. When holiday cards are being mailed and epic newsletters are being written.
I’m so over these “Aren’t I Better Then You” manifestos that I decided to write my own.
Completely unpolished and unapologetic.
Teaching Kids the Value of Love on Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is coming and I’m sure that you’re thinking up wonderful ways to celebrate with your partner, spouse, or friends but have you considered using the holiday to encourage your children to embrace all their loving relationships? From the time I was a toddler, my father would carefully pick out a card to give to each of his daughters on Valentine’s Day. They always featured a poem and were signed “Love, Dad”. I received one of these cards every year without fail, even after I moved out, went to college, and got engaged. The simple action of giving me a card on Valentine’s Day was my father way of showing me that I didn’t “need a man” on this holiday. Yes, a romantic Valentine’s with the one you love is fantastic, but so is knowing that a lot of people out there love you and think you’re great.
Our Colorful Holiday Cards From Minted.com
I’m going to be honest with y’all. One of the best things about having kids is… featuring them on your holiday card! Because, let’s be honest, after you have kids – no one cares abut your mug and only wants to see those adorable babies. So why not give them what they want and feature those adorable baby faces on some really outstanding stationery? This year, we ordered our cards from Minted.com and OMG… AMAZING. From the multute of designs, to the ease of use, to the quality product – Minted.com is THE place to buy your cards this year. Don’t believe me? Then check out our colorful holiday cards from Minted.com!
Melanie’s Marvel Avengers Birthday Party And Favor Bags On A Budget
My daughter is a HUGE Hulk fan. Like, HUGE! She’s just loves anything “Hulk Smash” and we watch “The Avengers” at least once a week. So, when it came time to plan her third birthday party, I decided to go with an Avengers theme. As the Patron Saint of Slacker Moms, I kept things VERY simple but still wanted to have a few special touches. As the official Cheap Ass of my family, I also wanted to keep it affordable. So, the idea of doing a swimming party with a superhero theme was born. Check out the rest of the post for tips and ideas from Melanie’s Marvel Avengers Birthday Party!
Reader Question: A Fun, Upbeat Song For A Family Sing-A-Long
Every now and then, I get an email from a reader who needs a little help (have you written to me?). I love these letters and try to help out when I can. Recently, Noa wrote to me asking for my assistance with a cool project for an upcoming wedding and I knew I could help! From Noa, “We have a family wedding (my husband’s niece) but our family is so spread across the world that it is hard for everyone to attend. So we want to surprise her with a video of all missing family members singing to her and her future husband. It needs to be hopefully a bit familiar but ok if not. Just wishing them happiness and sorry we are not there. Can be funny and humoristic [sic] (it’s a crazy family…).”. Frankly, I LOVE this idea and would have straight up stolen it for my own wedding! Here’s some options that I came up with for a fun, upbeat song for a family sing-a-long for you, Noa:
Married Monday: Dealing With The Baby Question
You’ve been married exactly 10 seconds when you are suddenly bum rushed by your second cousin who demands to know, “When are you two going to have a baby?”. Ugh. The shit people think is okay to say to newlyweds (or ANYONE for that matter)…
Reader Question: The Ranty Bride Tackles In-Laws and Social Media
When this email dropped in my inbox, I just HAD to share it with The Ranty Bride and ask her to respond. AND DID SHE. Read on, y'all, as Le Rant tackles in-laws, social media, and privacy issues: Image Courtesy…
The Ranty Bride: In-Laws. Can I Throw Out A Question To The Readers?
Seriously, I need advice. Someone said once that Twitter makes you want to get drinks with people you've never met. Facebook? Makes you want to throw drinks at people you know. Image Courtesy of: The Hacker News I am REALLY…
Advice: I Need Some In-Law/Holiday Advice, Y’all
So, I’m taking this Friday to reach out to Tulle Nation (especially the already married ones) and ask for a wee bit o’ advice. Before we go much further, I want y’all to know that I adore my in-laws. I…
{Guest Post} Liz Lewis – The Ranting Bride and The One Where I Get All Serious
If you recognize my name, you're probably expecting more ranting, bitching, and raving. However, today, I'm breaking it down all serious-like. Image Courtesy of: Divorce 360 Wedding planning is stressful enough if you're a totally sane, normal person with no underlying…