San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, shares the no holding back, all the details account of her natural and nearly pain-free hypnobirthing birth story.
Five important things you need during your pregnancy
[su_note note_color=”#ffffff”]// This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews for my own personal use. //[/su_note] Oh, man. Pregnancy is… a special time. Your body will go through so many changes and…
25 More Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Kiss My Tulle, shares another 25 things NO ONE tells you about pregnancy!
Getting Baby Ready With Mixbook
I’ve done many posts on preparing for baby and I think that I do a pretty good job of making sure that I have what is needed before the little arrives. However, after the birth of Melanie, I realized that, while I had all the stuff, I had completely neglected to make any preparations for showing her off to the world. I totally forgot to plan for birth announcements, photo books, and photo canvases to showcase all her cuteness. But on my second go around – I was prepared, y’all! I booked a newborn session with Pure Happiness Photography and knew that, when it came time, I would be getting ready with Mixbook!
The Sweetest Thing You Can Do For An Expectant Mom In The Weeks BEFORE The Baby Comes
This weekend, my neighbor surprised me with the sweetest thing you can do for an expectant mom in the weeks before the baby comes. She made me a week’s worth of bake-n-serve meals! Yes, yes. I know that every new mom wants meals like this after the baby shows up (I did and LOVED IT). It’s the best thing ever to not have to worry about feeding people and yourself while also juggling a newborn. But honestly, it’s so completely awesome to not have to think about planning, cooking, and cleaning up after a meal in those last few weeks of the third trimester. So, if you’d like to give an expectant mom the best surprise ever, here’s a short list of some tasty bake-n-go and crock pot dump freezer meals that would be perfect!
My Hospital Bag For My Second Pregnancy and Delivery
It’s that time – that time when I’m far enough along in my pregnancy that everyone starts bugging me about packing my hospital bag. Last time around, I did a pretty good job of not over or under packing and I feel like this time, I’m even better prepared to pack only what’s needed. So, without further adieu, here’s my hospital bag for my second pregnancy and delivery (please keep in mind that I am low-maintenance and planning on a vaginal birth, breastfeeding, and going home the same day):
My Favorite At-Home Pregnancy Workouts and Equipment
In a few days, I’ll be in the third trimester of my second pregnancy. Like my first time around, I’ve straight up gained a ton of weight (in my defense, I was already 50 pounds overweight to start so my total weight gained is actually a lot less than before). However, unlike last time, I’ve worked out much more consistently during my pregnancy. I average a little over an hour 4-5x a week. Sure, I could be doing better but I’m pretty happy with what I’ve accomplished so far (especially considering that I work out at home, with a toddler, and run my own company). I am especially happy with how well I’m doing working out at home with limited space and equipment. I’ve had several readers ask me about what I’m doing/using so I thought I take a moment and share my favorite at-home pregnancy workouts and equipment:
Pregnancy False Alarm and Giant Underwear
So. This week has been both great and sucky. Last week, I was told that I had to have my baby by Friday or be induced. The great news? The doctor changed her mind and now I get all the…
Me at 39 Weeks
Well, here we are at my 39 week pregnancy update. She’s still freeloading but doing it the healthy way so I’m not worried. Her heartbeat and ultrasounds are coming back 100% normal and okay so as far as I’m concerned,…
I’m Having a Baby Next Week
So. I’m having a baby next week. Ready or not. This week was a little bit of a whirlwind, baby health-wise. Remember how I kept failing my glucose tests but passing my blood sticks? Well, the powers that be up…
Me at 38 Weeks
I’ve got a 38 week pregnancy update for y’all. At this point in my pregnancy, the baby can safely be born at any time. So basically, she’s been freeloading for the last week. It’s not as fun for me as…
Me at 37 Weeks
The exciting thing about hitting the 37 week mark is that you are allowed to have the baby (safely) if you go into labor. No more premature scares! From here on out, it’s all good in babydom. So here’s a…