// I may earn money from the companies mentioned in this post. //
My friend (and beyond talented artist), Nicole Hance, recently posted some really funny sketches on her Instagram feed that showed her look pre- and post-babies.
I died laughing and begged her to allow me to share them with my readers.
Then and Now: My Look Before and After Becoming a Mom”:
I just know y'all can relate to this artwork depicting the changes to my physical being and choices before and after kids.
To clarify, pre-baby I dressed like someone who had time to shower, looked at fashion magazine, and was able to go to the gym on a regular basis.
I had:
- a well-rested face with carefully applied make-up
- freshly washed hair (that was blow dried and styled)
- jewelry
- a designer purse (that contains a can of Diet Coke, the latest issue of Vogue, lipstick, and a hair brush)
- a stylish outfit that is clean and fits well (and does not involve elastic)
- cute shoes – always heels
After 2 Babies
After 2 babies I dress like someone who might be homeless, may or may not be leaking as we speak, and you wonder if they've brushed their teeth today (newsflash – they have not).
I have:
- four day old hair (not sure where this color came from…)
- no make-up
- caffeine (LOTS)
- spit up
- shirt that covers stomach plus and oversize jacket (it's probably my husband's…)
- yoga or maternity pants (yes, STILL. Shut up.)
- bag that came with the breast pump (contains diapers, formula, binkie, animal crackers, toys, spare outfits, bottles, random restaurant crayons, and my SANITY (scratch that – I can't find it anywhere)
Ana Wj says
I smiled a bit upon seeing those two pictures above. So true! Comfort is essential especially if you have a baby who will tag along. A woman is still perfect despite the drastic changes after having the baby. Even better because you brought an angel in this world.
Homeia says
Thanks for nice share! After having 2 babies in 3 years, I’m the same weight as pre pregnancy but in all different places. My ribcage has expanded and my hips are bigger and it’s literally bone, so there’s no way I will be able to change it. So I got rid of all that stuff. Style changes anyway in 5 years, so stuff I liked then isn’t looking as fresh or as fashionable now anyway.