Lisa wrote to me a while back, asking for some help with her wedding:
“Hi. We are marrying in August.
I have 5 sons and am looking for suggestions how they could all walk me down the aisle without it appearing that they are my bodyguards 🙂
Their ages range from 16-23. Any ideas? Thank you!“
How Do I Handle the Wedding Processional When I Have Multiple Escorts?
Actually, Lisa – a few of my wedding industry friends and I do have a couple of ideas for you!
My Advice:
My thought is to ask the boys if they want to escort you at all.
I know, I know – they should be grown up enough to do it and want to do it but, alas, this is real life and they are teenagers sooooo… they might not.
In fact, all but one may opt out and you may not even have to make a plan for multiple kids at all.
But, straight up, their butts better be in the family photographs. Tell them I said so.
If they all do want to participate, then it might be nice for them to line the aisle at intervals.
Then, you can walk alone down the aisle and meet them along the way for a special one-on-one moment with each kid individually.
Here's a few more ideas from other wedding professionals:
From Victoria of Burgh Brides
“Choose one son to start your walk down the aisle with you. Have the others spread themselves out along the length of the aisle.
Son 1 can walk you to where Son 2 is standing, at which point Son 1 hands you off to Son 2.
Son 2 will walk you to where Son 3 is standing and hand you off to him.
Repeat this the entire length of the aisle until you're at the altar.
This will give each son a few precious moments along the aisle with you without it looking like you have your own entourage.”
From Renee of Moxie Bright Events
“I love this! I did something similar with a groom and his sisters last year. He had four sisters.
What we did was similar to what [Victoria] said above, about greeting each [son] at a specific spot, but instead of releasing each sister as [the groom] went, they actually joined as they walked, with the most recent sister in the front with the groom.
Only two walked in front (groom and sister), and the rest filed behind, coupled.
It didn't feel body-guard-ish, it felt like a whole community was bringing him to the altar.”
From Liz of Silver Charm Events
“My suggestion would be the same as Renee's, plus the logistical angle of working it out at the rehearsal, with EVERYONE present.
Patiently go through it a couple of times, see how it looks and feels, figure out where everyone stands, when everyone gets to go.
Be patient enough to run through it a couple of times at the rehearsal. It's going to be this great, epic thing that no one is going to forget.
Definitely have someone videograph it at the wedding, too. It's going to be really cool.”
From Renee of Moxie Bright Events
“It would be a nice touch to order the boys starting with the youngest and ending with the oldest escorting their mom to the altar.
I just got all choked up thinking about it.”
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