I am a slacker mom. No, no. Let me clarify that. I am THE Slacker Mom – the Patron Saint of Slacker Moms, if you will. I am beyond lazy. Look I adore my family and I’m grateful to be able to work from home but I am definitely NOT the kind of mom who plans elaborate parties to celebrate half-birthdays or creates a learning center in the corner or my beautifully landscaped yard for the neighborhood kids. Frankly, you’ll be lucky if you come to my house before 5PM and find me with my teeth brushed. So, keeping my house “company clean” at all times is… not gonna happen (I salute those of you who do though!). So, I’ve spent the last few years finding products that can quickly and effectively make my house shine. And with the help of Costco, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, Dawn Platinum Advanced Power, and Cascade Complete Action Pacs, I’ve perfected what I like to call, “The Slacker Mom’s Guide To Getting Your House Company Clean in 20 Minutes”.