Kiss My Tulle began in October 2007 as a budget wedding budget but rebranded into a lifestyle blog in 2016 at the request of longtime readers who loved my irreverence and voice.
Now, this blog is filled with humor, down-to-earth advice, true parenting stories that are equal parts funny and horrifying, and some swearing while tackling real life in a perfectionist world. Stick around!
You'll either learn something… or want to call CPS.
A native of Salcha, Alaska, now I live in Palmer, Alaska (by way of Los Angeles, California and San Antonio, Texas). I live here with my husband (The Boy), two cats (Lilac and Sawyer), my daughter (Melanie), and my son (Finn).
I'm a big fan of french fries, 80's One-Hit Wonders, and any show involving serial killers. I am 46 years old, a whopping 5'5″, and love me some blue-eyed men.
I have a degree in Web Design and another in e-Commerce plus I frequently teach blogging classes for various Adult Community Education programs. Also, I would dry hump the Boston Red Sox and need the Internet like a WASP needs booze.
Check out The Boy and my $5,000 budget wedding, find out more about my pregnancies, or see some of the improvements we've been doing to our home!