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The #CountDownToInfinityWar is on and I'm turning every Monday from now until the movie drops into #MarvelMonday for y'all.
Each week, I'll be showcasing a MARVELous (see what I did there?) movie inspired outfit featuring a different Marvel character. I know y'all wanna rock your fandom and I'm here to share my finds with you!
This week, I'm bounding one of the newer members of Team Avengers. She's an Enhanced superhero and, in my opinion, one of the most powerful in the group – the Scarlet Witch!
Marvel Mondays: Scarlet Witch Bounding
Jacket // Dress // Necklace // Purse // Boots
Ready to join me and get your Marvel on?
Check this awesome post from Teachable Mommy with everything you need to know before “Avengers: Infinity War” comes out!
You can also follow along with Mama's Geeky over on Twitter where she'll be livetweeting a Marvel movie a week to get us all excited for the release. And be sure to follow Whisky & Sunshine on Twitter so you can catch up on all things #MarvelMondays.
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