Every now and then, I get an email from a reader who needs a little help (have you written to me?). I love these letters and try to help out when I can. Recently, Noa wrote to me asking for my assistance with a cool project for an upcoming wedding and I knew I could help! From Noa, “We have a family wedding (my husband’s niece) but our family is so spread across the world that it is hard for everyone to attend. So we want to surprise her with a video of all missing family members singing to her and her future husband. It needs to be hopefully a bit familiar but ok if not. Just wishing them happiness and sorry we are not there. Can be funny and humoristic [sic] (it’s a crazy family…).”. Frankly, I LOVE this idea and would have straight up stolen it for my own wedding! Here’s some options that I came up with for a fun, upbeat song for a family sing-a-long for you, Noa: