As so many of you know, I’ve been using this last month of my second pregnancy to plan and decorate a joint nursery for Melanie and Baby Boy. We’ve gotten a few big items crossed off the list: picked up a Big Girl Bed for Melanie, bought all the bedding for both kids, and snagged a gorgeous nightstand for next to the rocker. And now, I can start picking out the really fun little bits! Like these made-in-the-USA rockers from RockABye – I mean, REALLY, how cute are they?!?! So cute, that I’m having a hard time choosing the one (or ones) to keep in the room so today, I’m asking you to help me choose an awesome RockABye rocker for the joint nursery!
Our Honeymoon Diary: Road Trippin’ Through Maine (and all the pretty, pretty houses!)
After messing around in Massachusetts, The Boy and I decided to spend the next day in the car (this decision was helped along by an unseasonal “monsoon” all along the East Coast during our honeymoon road trip). We took turns driving up to Maine along the coastal highway. We enjoyed all the little towns and windy roads. But mostly, I enjoyed the amazing houses. Wanna see some?