Going to Walt Disney World with your baby and preschooler? Curious as to what you’ll need in the park every day and what you can leave behind?
My Top 5 Tips To Make Potty Training Easier (with Charmin Essentials Strong)
As many of you know, Melanie stopped wearing diapers soon after her first birthday (she would literally rip them off her body) but just was not ready to formally potty train at that time. Fast forward to a few months ago, she was ready so we stocked up on toilet paper and started the process. It’s been a bumpy road (Melanie is one of those kids who totally knows what to do but doesn’t want to stop playing to actually go to the bathroom) but I can safely say that she’s nearly 100% potty trained now. Along the way, I discovered some little things that I found helpful during this process. So today, I’m sharing my top 5 tips to make potty training easier (with Charmin® Essentials Strong):