As many of you know, Melanie stopped wearing diapers soon after her first birthday (she would literally rip them off her body) but just was not ready to formally potty train at that time. Fast forward to a few months ago, she was ready so we stocked up on toilet paper and started the process. It's been a bumpy road (Melanie is one of those kids who totally knows what to do but doesn't want to stop playing to actually go to the bathroom) but I can safely say that she's nearly 100% potty trained now. Along the way, I discovered some little things that I found helpful during this process. So today, I'm sharing my top 5 tips to make potty training easier (with Charmin® Essentials Strong):
// This post was sponsored by Charmin as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. //
As many of you know, Melanie stopped wearing diapers soon after her first birthday (she would literally rip them off her body) but just was not ready to formally potty train at that time. Fast forward to a few months ago, she was ready so we stocked up on toilet paper and started the process. It's been a bumpy road (Melanie is one of those kids who totally knows what to do but doesn't want to stop playing to actually go to the bathroom) but I can safely say that she's nearly 100% potty trained now. Along the way, I discovered some little things that I found helpful during this process. So today, I'm sharing my top 5 tips to make potty training easier (with Charmin® Essentials Strong):
Tip #1: Bribery is good. I was on the "I'm not bribing my kid to do a basic bodily function" boat for a long time… then I had a kid. HA! Melanie responded really well to the old, tried-and-true candy method. We kept a jar of candies in the bathroom and every time she would successfully go potty – she got a single candy. It worked great and was a total win/win situation.
Tip #2: Kill some time with books or a tablet. We keep a stack of books on the back of the toilet and allow Melanie unlimited access to her tablet whenever she's got to go. Sometimes, it can take her a while to get things going and just sitting and staring at the wall doesn't help at all. Generally, just the books is a great time passing activity for her (especially if I "read" them with her) and her tablet is awesome when she has poop (since it takes longer and requires more relaxing).
Tip #3: Invest in great toilet paper. You'll be using A LOT of it and the kind that's made stronger and more durable is the best for potty training. Honestly, for a long, long, LONG time you'll be the primary junk/butt wiper so definitely stock up your bathroom with some Charmin® Essentials Strong to deal with that… well, stuff. Your kid will also be using LOTS more than necessary while they learn to wipe so the fact that it's 3x the size of a standard roll is awesome! I swapped out my regular leading brand of toilet paper for Charmin® Essentials Strong and was delighted by how much better potty training went with it!
Tip #4: Nudity might be a must. I have NO IDEA why but my kid has to strip down to nothing to go to the bathroom. Like, completely nude. But, hey. If that's what it takes to make her comfortable enough to go then… whatever, dude. Hopefully, we'll get it under control before she starts kindergarten.
Tip #5: Keep clothing simple. Potty training is not the time for complex buttons, skinny jeans, and rompers. Keep waistbands loose and stretchy and try to avoid buttons/zippers as much as possible. Most kids will wait until the last minute to run to the bathroom so they need clothes that can come off easily and quickly. If you have a kid who wears dresses, spend some time teaching them how to pull the skirt up and hold it out of the way of the toilet.
How about y'all? What little tricks did you try to make the potty training process easier? Did you find that the quality of the toilet paper you used was important to the process? Will you be making the switch from one of the leading bargain brands to Charmin® Essentials? Well, right now Charmin® is inviting shoppers to upgrade your Angel Soft® for Charmin® Essentials Soft or Scott® 1000 for Charmin® Essentials Strong. To participate, simply tweet your toilet paper swap out request to @Charmin using the hashtag #CharminEssentials and #Promotion, and Charmin will send you a free roll! Be sure to visit them on Facebook, too!
#CharminEssentials TP Swap Program Terms & Conditions.
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