Be honest. Do your kids ask you to read to them roughly eighty bazillion times a day? I mean, I really love how much my kids appreciate books and reading and all that great developmental crap. But OH MY GOD…
Feeling Cozy in our Home Thanks to Better Security (featuring Iris by Lowe’s)
[su_note note_color=”#ffffff”]// This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Iris by Lowe’s. However, all opinions are my own. //[/su_note] Y’all know that, over the past billion years, we’ve been remodeling our home. Okay, that was a slight…
Appy Couple – The Best Way to Create Your Stylish and Social Wedding Website and App
Appy Couple – a platform that combines gorgeous design and brilliant technology to give you one destination where you can manage everything for your wedding day with incredible ease — from your RSVPs to travel details, from your registry to photo sharing and so much more.