Now that I'm at 24 weeks, I'm starting to really feel Baby Voldemort move and getting into a regular workout groove. Sit back and enjoy another one of my weekly photo/FYI sessions (ala Little Baby Garvin).
How far along? 24 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: We Shall Not Speak of This.
Maternity clothes? Spend all this last week in yoga pants and a sweatshirt from Sears (they're doing a Buy 1, Get 1 Free maternity sale in stores now!).
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Sleeping much better this week but noticed that I did have a couple of midday naps (very unusual for me right now).
Best moment this week: Picking out baby clothes at Old Navy with The Boy.
Miss Anything? I wanted a medium rare steak SO BAD this week.
Movement: I feel her all the time now and when I sit at my desk I can actually feel her thumping me (like when someone flicks your arm with their fingers).
Food cravings: Frozen yogurt and salad.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Hank's farts. Ugh.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Tired a lot and very swollen.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and off. Eating pickles combined with temperatures in the 90's caused my body to swell up BIG TIME this week.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty neutral.
Looking forward to: Finishing our bathroom. The Boy spent the weekend finishing up the trim so I just need to spend a few hours caulking everything and then I get to paint (No worries – I'm using no-VOC paint, have the place well ventilated, and will be wearing a mask.).
In other news, I've got another check-up scheduled for next Wednesday (Please God, no more blood work-ups!) and hope to sneak in lunch with The Boy. Also, we're already planning Christmas in Alaska with my family and Baby Voldemort!
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