So, I have another baby and as of Saturday, he's two weeks old. We're pretty enamored with him. He's wonderfully chill and easy (especially compared to what a total asshole his sister was when she was a newborn). Like I did with Melanie, I'll be doing a little photo project for his first year with monthly photos and a brief rundown of what's happening in his little world (I'm sharing this in a format that I plan on using in a photo book featuring his first year):
So, I have another baby and as of Saturday, he's two weeks old. We're pretty enamored with him. He's wonderfully chill and easy (especially compared to what a total asshole his sister was when she was a newborn). Like I did with Melanie, I'll be doing a little photo project for his first year with monthly photos and a brief rundown of what's happening in his little world (I'm sharing this in a format that I plan on using in a photo book featuring his first year):
You are pretty much only happy if Mommy is snuggling you.
You have been seriously clusterfeeding this week. Lots and lots and lots of mini nursing sessions.
You haven't wanted to sleep in your crib at night but have managed a couple of short naps during the day.
You are such an easy baby.
You still don't like it when your sister cries.
You're starting to gain weight back!
You love it when Mommy and Melanie sing to you.
You are starting to outgrow some of your newborn clothes.
You love it when you see yourself in the mirror.
You continue to scream when having your diaper changed.
You lost your belly button.
Mommy's favorite thing is snuggling your ginger head.
Daddy's favorite thing is kissing you while you sleep.
We just love you.
P.S. I promise that I'll only be doing weekly baby updates for this first month. Once we hit four weeks, I'll move to doing them once a month.
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