If you follow me on Instagram (and why wouldn't you?!?!), you already know that we're having a… I thought I'd take a moment and answer some of your questions, concerns, and comments about our little guy.
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If you follow me on Instagram (and why wouldn't you?!?!), you already know that we're having a…
That's right! This time around we made a little boy and I'm delighted! Sure, financially it would have been easier to have another girl (we already have the clothes!) but… I think that getting the opportunity to have one of each is SO cool. We're so grateful to the staff at Lackland AFB for taking the time to help us find out this little guy's gender. Last time around, Melanie let us know within 10 minutes that she was a she. This time, the techs told us much later, they knew what we were having but couldn't get the right image that allows them to tell us until 30 or 40 minutes into the ultrasound. They were so happy to finally get a good image that they even added an arrow pointing at his junk to the sonogram! It's totally hanging up on my fridge.
I thought I'd take a moment and answer some of your questions, concerns, and comments about our little guy.
What does Melanie think?
Well, right now, she's not 100% understanding the whole New Baby Thing. I mean, she's two. However, we've been constantly referring to the baby as "he" and "baby brother" and I've been encouraging her to touch my belly whenever possible. Lately, she's been patting and kissing my belly and saying "baby brudder" and it's FREAKING ADORABLE.
What do you and The Boy think?
Because we're older parents, we are seriously happy with and grateful for whatever we get. However, I think that both of us are excited by the chance to one of each gender in our house. Two girls would have been awesome. A girl and boy is awesome. It's all just awesome.
What's his name?
We do have a name picked out. It's actually the name that we came up with the first go around before we found out that Melanie was a girl (I was totally convinced that I was going to have a boy so I'd already come up with a boy name). It's a simple name, spelled simple with lots of chances for different nicknames – just like we did with Melanie Jocelyn. And, like last time, we're keeping the name to ourselves until after the baby's born (until then, we'll be referring to him as Baby Voldemort).
No, seriously, tell me his name.
No, seriously, we're not.
How are you going to buy all those baby boy things you need?
Well, luckily, last time we thought ahead and kept all the big ticket items (strollers, crib, car seat, etc.) pretty gender neutral. So all we really need are a buttload of baby boy clothes. We've already picked up a few things from Carter's but my big plan is to hit a couple of upcoming community garage sales for more. That's what I did the first time and got loads of great stuff for pennies.
How are you decorating the nursery?
Well, we only have two bedrooms right now so the baby and Melanie will be sharing a room for a few years. We're reusing Melanie's old crib and mattress but I'm totally hooked on Target's new pillowfort line and plan on picking up, oh… one of EVERYTHING for their room. There's not going to be a theme theme so I'm just focused on picking up stuff I love in a bunch of fun, coordinating colors.
So you're not co-sleeping this time?
Oh no, we are. But we'll have the nursery set up in case this baby actually naps during the day. God, I HOPE SO.
Are you going to be breastfeeding him? Won't it be weird having a boy… do that?
Um. Any weirder than when his dad does it for funsies? Nope.
Who do you hope he looks like?
Any other questions, concerns, or comments about our baby boy? Let me know in the comments.
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