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So, Melanie hit the sixth month mark on Sunday (and got totally screwed on the new “Mommy Must Do” half-birthday party trend since it was the day after her Mommy's real birthday and… no. Just no.) and is suddenly like a real baby. As in, she's sleeping better and more routinely, waking up happy, and able to play by herself for longer amounts of time. It's made for a more relaxed Mommy.
Anyhoo, now that she's in her sixth month I've noticed her becoming more partial to specific things and is definitely showing that she prefers certain items over others. I thought I'd share Melanie's sixth month favorites:
Cosco Seaside Friends Infant Walker | Someone loaned us a walker while we were in Alaska for Christmas and Melanie LOVED it. She loved it so much that when we got home, we picked up a basic model at Target. At first, she could only stay in one spot or go backwards but now, she trucks all over the place. Plus, she's at perfect dog-licking-face height. So win/win, really.
Circo Infant Girls' 6 Pack Crew Socks | Melanie got these in her Christmas stocking and they are so cute! Also, they STAY ON. And that, my friends, is what's known as a Christmas miracle.
Go GaGa Stack, Sort & Ball Drop Elephant | This was Melly's big gift from Santa and, well, she didn't really like it at first but in the last week she's really started enjoying it. Right now, she doesn't have the coordination to do the shapes or the ball drop but she can play with the rings and make the elephant do all his noises. Sometimes, she's drags it after her as she creeps around the living room.
Alex Toys Quacky Cups | Bathtime is one of Melanie's favorite parts of the day and when I introduced her to these toys – she laughed so hard her Daddy came in from the living room to see what was going on. Even now, any time I fill them with water and let it sprinkle over her head she loses her shit giggling.
Taggies | Okay, she doesn't have a real Taggie but my niece made her several when she was born and she still loves them. I carry one around in my purse and you have to manhandle it out of her hands to get it back.
Go GaGa – Ride & Play | This toy is on her car seat and she plays with it all the time. I love hearing her grab at it in the backseat while I'm driving. It also comes off (and goes back on) quickly so I take it off a lot while we're out eating and let her play with it.
Charlie Banana Cloth Diapers | Melanie has been wearing these cloth diapers since she was two months old. While we were in Alaska, we used disposable diapers and she hated them. She would constantly wiggle around or tug at them because they were uncomfortable. She actually smiled when we got home and I put a cloth diaper on her again.
Carter's Terry Zip-Up Sleep & Play | This is what Melanie wore for the flight up to Alaska and back. The terry cloth material is perfect for both cool and warm weather and the zippered footie jammies are the only ones that don't allow her legs and/or arms to escape in the night. Plus, the kitty on the butt is ADORABLE.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom | Hands down Melanie's favorite book. We have three (yes, THREE) copies – one for the living room, one for the bedroom, and a board book version for my purse.
Playskool Gloworm | Nana gave this to Melanie for Christmas because I had one as a baby and loved it. And guess what? So does Melly. In fact, we're using it strictly for bedtimes now. When I turn on the music and lights, she knows it's night-night time.
Of course, this is all in addition to spoons, the dog's tongue, my phone, electrical cords, and the cat…
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