Let me start off by saying that I’m not an accountant. I’m a professional writer, which means I’m bad with numbers. The purpose of this post is to share something that my husband and I did to better our financial situation. I encourage you to speak with your accountant, financial planner, or hell, anyone you know who can add up numbers better than I can.
Married Monday: Dealing With The Baby Question
You’ve been married exactly 10 seconds when you are suddenly bum rushed by your second cousin who demands to know, “When are you two going to have a baby?”. Ugh. The shit people think is okay to say to newlyweds (or ANYONE for that matter)…
Married Monday: The Ranty Bride Brings You “Our” Friends
One of the more difficult areas the husband and I navigated was the area of “our” friends. You and your significant other get along, right? So, you would think that you would probably like the same people. However, I can assure you that is NOT ALWAYS THE CASE. Suddenly, you have your friends, his/her friends, “our” friends, and everything in between.
Partnered Post: Honeymoon Pixie Honeymoon Registries
Romance is the ultimate goal of any great honeymoon; but a romantic honeymoon can look dramatically different from one couple to the next. Some couples prefer lying on the beach sipping cocktails together while others prefer sightseeing through European cities side by side. No matter what your honeymoon preferences, Honeymoon Pixie’s eight secrets will help make your honeymoon even more romantic and memorable: