I’m going to be honest with y’all. One of the best things about having kids is… featuring them on your holiday card! Because, let’s be honest, after you have kids – no one cares abut your mug and only wants to see those adorable babies. So why not give them what they want and feature those adorable baby faces on some really outstanding stationery? This year, we ordered our cards from Minted.com and OMG… AMAZING. From the multute of designs, to the ease of use, to the quality product – Minted.com is THE place to buy your cards this year. Don’t believe me? Then check out our colorful holiday cards from Minted.com!
Wedding Ideas that Seem Great but Actually Suck
Today’s post isn’t meant to hurt anyone’s feelings or shit on any traditions but instead it’s meant to call attention to those little wedding bits we’ve seen on Pinterest or in person that seemed like they’d be a great thing but when it all came down to it… they bombed. Sometimes the ideas are lovely but executing them is difficult. Sometimes it’s just awkward for the guests (or you). Sometimes it’s just time-consuming. So before you get too hooked on that great little thing you saw on Pinterest, check out my suggestions for wedding ideas that seem great but actually suck (and some alternatives that don’t).
Fitness Friday: My Dog, the Personal Trainer By Ariella Monti
Bailey is my 1-year-old Lab mix. She’s an awesome dog, but like most Labs, she high-energy and needs a ton of exercise or she’ll tear my house to shreds. It’s because of her that I’ve been heading out at least four times a week to go for at least a one-mile walk. It’s because of her that I’ve been able to lose any weight at all. Sufficient exercise not only keeps you in shape, but keeps your dog lean too. It will keep you both healthy for the long haul and your dog will have less behavioral problems.
Real Wedding: Mae and Andy’s Vineyard Fete (With Their Dogs!)
Okay, remember how y'all helped me chose the perfect outfit for my bridesmaid and friend Mae's wedding in California? And remember how I promised that I'd share her GORGE vineyard wedding with you? Well, wait no longer – ladies and…