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I'm going to be honest with y'all. One of the best things about having kids is… featuring them on your holiday card! Because, let's be honest, after you have kids – no one cares abut your mug and only wants to see those adorable babies. So why not give them what they want and feature those adorable baby faces on some really outstanding stationery? This year, after a quick photography session with the wonderful April of Pure Happiness Photography, we ordered our cards from Minted.com and OMG… AMAZING. From the multitude of designs, to the ease of use, to the quality product – Minted.com is THE place to buy your cards this year. Don't believe me? Then check out our colorful holiday cards from Minted.com!
I'm one of those people who loves sending out a holiday card sometime between Thanksgiving and New Year's (because, dude, two kids means that I barely remember to brush my teeth, much less design and order my cards “on time”). My mom always did a whole newsletter, complete with the entire family dressed up in some sort of theme, and the tradition (not the weird theme-y dressing up) stuck with me. I loved checking the mail after school and seeing all those envelopes from all over the world. All for us and from people wishing us nothing but joy and goodwill for the coming year. As an adult, I haven't lost that thrill and eagerly look forward to the holidays when I'll be receiving and displaying cards from my family and friends all over the world.
Imagine my delight this year when I visited Minted.com to design and order my holiday cards. There are SO MANY gorgeous options to choose from all designed by independent artists. And so many theme options: New Year's, religious themes, ones for your business, even some featuring your pets! Minted also allows you to upload your image(s) and see what every card would look like with your picture. Awesome, right?
Another thing I love about getting my cards from Minted.com is all the extra options to really personalize them. After picking the design, you are given free reign to alter the text and add photos. Then you can pick from a selection of options for the back of the card: blank, solid color, pattern, “newsletter” styles, or more photos. And the envelopes! Lots of color and design options PLUS Minted.com lets you add your own return address and, right now, you can have them pre-print the envelopes with everyone's addresses FOR FREE. So when they arrive on your doorstep, just stuff and add stamps! That clapping you hear? Everyone who has ever had to hand write every single envelope themselves.
Really y'all, you just cannot go wrong with ordering your holiday cards from Minted.com. Which design is your favorite?
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