I love kids. Straight up. I am one of ten kids, an kick ass auntie to 20+, a killer great auntie to 5+, a former preschool teacher, and one-time nanny. Yeah… kids and me arelikethis. So it was only natural that The Boy and I really wanted to include a buttload of kids into our wedding (I know that it’s not everyone’s thing but we’re having a pretty relaxed outdoor wedding and knew that all the little ones would only add to our happiness).
Image Courtesy of: Intimate Weddings
So, we decided to ask everyone directly related to us to be in the wedding party – no joke. Currently, there are 10 junior bridesmaids, 5 flower girls, and 2 ring bearers (also, I bribed wrangled 2 nephews and several of their hot teenage friends to help out wherever necessary [I told them that we’d feed them and that there would be cute girls from out-of-state there. I’m shameless.]). That’s a ton of kids. And they are all SUPER excited. But, I noticed something, after they got their invitations and I drafted up some information sheets to email to moms in a couple of months – they had some questions. Boy, did they have questions!
Image Courtesy of: A Perfect Celebration
And those questions? Ranged from good ones, to funny ones, to huh? Here’s a sampling:
- "What do I do in the wedding?"
- "What am I wearing?" – very popular with the younger set
- "Do I have to talk?"
- "Can I wear my glasses?"
- "Can I talk to you?"
- "Where are you registered and can I buy you a present?" – asked by my 11 year-old sister (I love her!)
- "What do I do if I get a wedgie?"
- "Can we play board games? I like Trouble!"
- "What if someone farts?" – this one asked through a fit of giggles
- "Can we have ice cream? I like ice cream."
- Are you going to wear underwear?" – this one isn't as random as you think it is…
- "Do I have to pay for my own plane ticket?" – not. a. clue.
- "What does you dress look like?"
Random, right? Love the variety and weirdness of them. By now, I’m betting that you’re wondering how I answered their questions (and if not… pretend you are). Here’s how it went down:
"What do I do in the wedding?"
I tried to explain each child's job to them so that they woudl understand – I also included descriptions of each job in their information sheet. Here's a sample, "Flower girl is a really cool job – you get to be in the wedding ceremony (the part where Cris and The Boy will actually GET married) and walk down the aisle before Cris waving streamers. That helps guests know that the bride is coming! You’ll also be in lots of pictures and get to participate in the wedding rehearsal (when everyone practices the wedding ceremony). Pretty cool, huh?" Simple. Easy. Age-appropriate.
"What am I wearing?"
This one was pretty easy since I have a rough idea of what I wanted everyone to wear. But I also ended up including the clothing details in the inforamtion sheet so that parents would know, too.
"Do I have to talk?"
I told them "nope". As it stands right now, none of the kids are doing a reading or a speech at the wedding.
"Can I wear my glasses?"
This one was specifically from my little brother and I told him that it was his choice – so long as he could see well without them.
"Can I talk to you?"
Yep. But please don't chat during the actual ceremony – since that's THE most important part of a wedding.
"Where are you registered and can I buy you a present?"
Ha! This one killed me since an 11 year-old asked me. However, it's a pretty valid question in my family since the kids are encouraged from a young age to save their money and buy people gifts on important occassions (like Christmas and birthdays). I also made sure that I had lots of stuff for under $10 on our registries for the kids to choose from.
"What do I do if I get a wedgie?"
Pick it. Discretely.
"Can we play board games? I like Trouble!"
One of the flower girls asked me this after I told her that we were planning on having some yard games out during the reception. I thought about it and decided, "Why not? Board games are a big deal in my family and I grew up playing marathon sessions of the classics." And so it was decided that at the reception – there will be board games.
"What if someone farts?"
Hold your breath. Especially if my younger brother, Jay, lets one loose…
"Can we have ice cream? I like ice cream."
We'd love to have cake and ice cream but… it will be too hot to serve ice cream at our wedding. Bummer, I know.
Are you going to wear underwear?"
This one isn't as random as you think it is… it's actually a pretty valid question when directed at me. TMI? Too bad.. And, for the record, yes. I will be properly attired down there for my wedding.
"Do I get flowers?"
Nope. The boys will be wearing pocket squares instead of boutonnieres, the junior bridesmaids won't have corsages, and the flower girls are carrying streamers instead of baskets of flower petals.
"Do I have to pay for my own plane ticket?"
No, your parents are taking care of your travel arrangements – talk to them.
"What does you dress look like?"
Image Courtesy of: Wedding By Color
Did any of you get interesting or amusing questions from your wedding's small fry? What were they? How did you answer them? Let me know!
Alicia @CharityWedding says
Ah such a cute post! I LOVE kids and while we opted to not invite any to the wedding, I can’t get enough of their blunt innocence! Your wedding will be so cute with all of these little characters!
Alexandra {Heart Love Weddings} says
Aww! These are adorable!! The innocence of some of the questions just. killed. me. Great post idea! Great minds think alike! 🙂
KissMyTulle says
Hee. Your post today cracked me up since I had JUST written this one.
Colleen {Soundtrack To I Do} says
Hilarious. Kids are THE best.
KissMyTulle says