My daughter is a HUGE Hulk fan. Like, HUGE! She’s just loves anything “Hulk Smash” and we watch “The Avengers” at least once a week. So, when it came time to plan her third birthday party, I decided to go with an Avengers theme. As the Patron Saint of Slacker Moms, I kept things VERY simple but still wanted to have a few special touches. As the official Cheap Ass of my family, I also wanted to keep it affordable. So, the idea of doing a swimming party with a superhero theme was born. Check out the rest of the post for tips and ideas from Melanie’s Marvel Avengers Birthday Party!
Wedding Ideas that Seem Great but Actually Suck
Today’s post isn’t meant to hurt anyone’s feelings or shit on any traditions but instead it’s meant to call attention to those little wedding bits we’ve seen on Pinterest or in person that seemed like they’d be a great thing but when it all came down to it… they bombed. Sometimes the ideas are lovely but executing them is difficult. Sometimes it’s just awkward for the guests (or you). Sometimes it’s just time-consuming. So before you get too hooked on that great little thing you saw on Pinterest, check out my suggestions for wedding ideas that seem great but actually suck (and some alternatives that don’t).
The Lazy Bitch’s Guide to Finding a Wedding Cake on a Budget
If you want a wedding on a budget – it does take work and work means… well, working. But have no fear, fellow lazy bitches! I’ve rounded up my best tips and ideas for finding a wedding dress on a budget (and not breaking a sweat).
Our $5,000 Wedding Budget Breakdown
Today’s post is all about the numbers – our $5,000 wedding budget and how we spent the money. I’m mostly going to post the budget breakdown in manageable chunks but I’ll add notes here and there to help clarify a few things. Right. Ready? And away we goooo!
Wedding Wednesday: Our Cake and Dessert Table
Wedding Wednesday is back and today I’m sharing all the details about our wedding cake and dessert table! This was one of The Boy’s favorite parts of our wedding and something he was instrumental in planning. Very early on in the wedding planning process, we elected to do a tiny wedding cake (to cut for photos) and then a larger dessert table (with lots of cake and cake-like options). Neither of us was particularly interested in one of those large, tiered wedding cakes that never taste good so a dessert table sounded great to us.
Partnered Post: Some Tasty Candy Buffet Advice From Temptation Candy
There is no denying that everyone loves candy, well at least 99.99% of people do. At your wedding, odds are that everyone there will also love candy…and we do mean everyone! So why not provide some tasty and delicious candy treats for those who came from near and far? What a great way to make your special day even more memorable! So if you love your guests enough to give them a candy buffet, here are a few factors to consider:
Wedding Wednesday: Glitter Initials DIY
Texas Wedding Blogger, Kiss My Tulle, shares a sweet but simple Glitter Initials DIY tutorial from her $5,000 wedding.
Wedding Wednesday: Ribbon Cake Topper DIY
Oh man! SO MANY of you have contacted me asking who made the cute little ribbon cake topper from my Alaskan civil ceremony. Guess what? It was ME! Image Courtesy of: Tori Brennan Like, 15 minutes before I walked out…
Wedding Wednesday: The Food
Hey y’all! Remember how The Boy and I unexpectedly flew to Alaska and got married in a civil ceremony? Well! I’ve been posting all the little details (that we were able to pull together) for several weeks now and a…
Wedding Wednesday: Tree Stump Cake Stand DIY
Hello, m’dears. I’m here and sharing some sweet, sweet DIY lovin’ with y’all today. Specifically, a little sumpin’ sumpin’ made from the good kind of stumpiness. I recently got married in a super impromptu wedding and had only three days…
Wedding Wednesday: Kids Say The Darnest Things
I love kids. Straight up. I am one of ten kids, an kick ass auntie to 20+, a killer great auntie to 5+, a former preschool teacher, and one-time nanny. Yeah… kids and me arelikethis. So it was only natural…
Wedding Wednesday: Cake Tasting Numero Dos
Hello all! As many of your know, the Cris and The Boy Wedding calendar is ticking down and we’ve gotten to the point where we actually have to start deciding things and putting down deposits. First up (after choosing my…