Are you ready for your next 6 months of the 12 Months of Fitness (#12MoF) challenge? Check out the introduction to 12 Months of Fitness here and then take a moment to reassess how you're doing so far. Don't stress out if you're having a tough time doing all the ones so far – this process is about finding what works for you.
Are you ready for your next 6 months of the 12 Months of Fitness (#12MoF) challenge? Check out the introduction to 12 Months of Fitness here and then take a moment to reassess how you're doing so far. Don't stress out if you're having a tough time doing all the ones so far – this process is about finding what works for you.
For the next month, your goal is to reassess where you are in your process and then work to improve on your goals. It's okay if you've fallen off the rails or if you're only doing one thing. All I ask is that you're continuing to try to make small changes to your lifestyle. Want to try and get back into it? Suggestions for accomplishing this are:
- Figure out which challenge was easiest for you to adopt and make it a habit. Remember, it takes six weeks for something to become a habit so pick one challenge and commit to it!
- Still doing at least one of the challenges? Great! Can you figure out a way to step it up a notch? Like, trying to cut out 100 calories a meal (up from cutting out 100 calories a day) or increase your cardio or strength training again.
- Getting bored with adopting one challenge a month? Try doing a different one each day. Or do a different one each week.
- Focus on the challenges you ARE doing and let go of the ones that you're not. Seriously, it's about doing what works for you and embracing what you've accomplished.
And to help you stay motivated, here's how it's working out for our #12MoF testers (you can meet them over on our Facebook page!):
"This weekend, my husband and I did the 3-day Shakeology Cleanse. We'd slacked on our good habits while on vacation and needed a kick-start to get back on track. It was hard … I got hungry during the day, but I still felt like I had plenty of energy. My system definitely cleaned itself out, and though it wasn't really fun eating pretty much the same thing for three days, it really did help me to get a clean slate. Also, you don't have to use the actual Shakeology … I bought Manitoba Harvest protein powder instead and it ended up being like a quarter of the price." {Elizabeth}
"I'm definitely trying to keep up with most of the challenges, but I'm not as diligent as I was when I was first assigned them. But, we do eat more whole wheat pasta and bread and I'm making an effort to have at least one vegetable with our dinner. This is an improvement from having none. I'm trying to pick up my water intake, as that could definitely be better. Overall, I'm happy with the little changes I've made. I feel good about them." {Ariella}
"Things are going well! The challenges I'm consciously keeping up with are drinking more water (at least one 40 oz. Hydro Flask a day), eating a handful of fresh spinach a day (always in our fridge), focusing on good posture (I really do look horrible when I slouch!), and cutting back 100 calories a day (officially switched from coffee and soda to seltzer)." {Kaleena}
See? You CAN do it! Share your #12MoF struggles/triumphs with Tulle Nation on Twitter, our Facebook page, or take photos on Instagram. Be sure to use the hastag #12MoF so we can all support you!
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