Man, I'm at 22 weeks in this pregnancy and starting to get really excited about meeting Baby Voldemort. So, onward with my weekly photo/FYI session (ala Little Baby Garvin).
How far along? 22 Weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: We Shall Not Speak of This.
Maternity clothes? Still living in yoga pants and tank tops. I'm adding my old, regular jean jackets or cardigans on top (but can't button them closed). My pre-pregnancy yoga pants (that I wear to the gym) are getting pretty tight though.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Had a few restless nights this week due to doing that awful three-hour glucose testing. Totally stressed me out before and then took two days to recover from it (I tested normal though!).
Best moment this week: Snuggling in bed with The Boy while he rested his hand on the bump.
Miss Anything? Being able to sit with my legs curled up on the couch while I read a book.
Movement: Hoping this happens soon. We know from our ultrasound and fetal heart monitoring that she's a mover but I just can't seem to feel it yet.
Food cravings: Strawberries, chocolate, and Sonic Strawberry Limeades.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat (I'm taking up the extra nutritional slack by eating lots more spinach and kale).
Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but I cry all the damn time at EVERYTHING.
Looking forward to: Planning baby names and getting back to the gym regularly.
In other news, I had to do my three-hour glucose testing this week (earlier than normal due to my family medical history and my age). It was awful (the people were great – it was the actual testing process that sucked). I was lucky to have my mother-in-law with me for company and afterwards, we went to lunch with The Boy.
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