Well, it's here. I've hit the halfway mark in my second pregnancy.
As of today, I am 20 weeks knocked up.
Me At 20 Weeks
So, as I did with my first pregnancy, why not start taking photos and doing a cute week-by-week FYI session from here on out (ala Little Baby Garvin)?
How far along?
20 Weeks.
Total weight gain/loss:
Only 15 pounds so far which, though I started at about 50 pounds overweight, is still a billion times better than last time.
Maternity clothes?
I just officially packed away all my “real” clothes this weekend. I live in Old Navy tank tops and maternity workout pants.
Stretch marks?
Does it count if I've had them since I was 9?
Ugh. I'm having hardcore insomnia lately. I got to sleep at a decent hour and then, boom, wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep for hours.
Best moment this week:
When Melanie lifted my shirt, rubbed my belly, and said “baby”. She's not very aware of what's happening so it was a sweet little moment.
Have you told family and friends:
Yes! Phone calls and text messages to everyone at the end of January.
Miss Anything?
Lunch meat. I love me some turkey sandwiches and miss them very, very much.
Yep. I've been able to feel this baby moving since the 14th week.
Probably because I knew what to expect this time around and also, frankly, I'm less fat than I was last time.
Food cravings:
Tomatoes. All angel tomatoes all. the. time.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
The smell of dirty dishes.
Gender prediction:
I'm voting boy – purely because The Boy delights in being Melanie's favorite and I want someone to love me best! 😉
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
Wedding rings on or off?
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy but I cry at the STUPIDEST stuff right now.
Looking forward to:
Finding out the baby's gender on Friday!
In other news, I'm doing great keeping up with my workouts – 20 minutes on the elliptical and either 30 minutes of a Grokker video (try them free right now) or my favorite pregnancy workout DVD.
Otherwise, I've also noticed that when I squat down to help Melanie, I'm having a really hard time keeping my balance and ahem getting back up again.
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