Everything you need to know about pooping while pregnant! And I do mean E V E R Y T H I NG… all the dirty, stinky details, and tips.
My Pregnancy: I Passed Out Getting My Blood Taken
Yep, I’m one of those people – one of the dorks that passed out cold when they took my blood for testing.
Peeing While Pregnant And What You Need To Know About It
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Kiss My Tulle shares everything you need to know about peeing while pregnant! Find out more!
Me At 40 Weeks
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, shares a rundown of her 40th week of pregnancy. Find out more!
Me At 39 Weeks
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, shares a rundown of her 39th week of pregnancy. Find out more!
The Sweetest Thing You Can Do For An Expectant Mom In The Weeks BEFORE The Baby Comes
This weekend, my neighbor surprised me with the sweetest thing you can do for an expectant mom in the weeks before the baby comes. She made me a week’s worth of bake-n-serve meals! Yes, yes. I know that every new mom wants meals like this after the baby shows up (I did and LOVED IT). It’s the best thing ever to not have to worry about feeding people and yourself while also juggling a newborn. But honestly, it’s so completely awesome to not have to think about planning, cooking, and cleaning up after a meal in those last few weeks of the third trimester. So, if you’d like to give an expectant mom the best surprise ever, here’s a short list of some tasty bake-n-go and crock pot dump freezer meals that would be perfect!
Me At 38 Weeks
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, shares a rundown of her 38th week of pregnancy. Find out more!
Me At 37 Weeks
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, shares a rundown of her 37th week of pregnancy. Find out more!
How To Sleep Comfortably While Pregnant Without Special Pillows – Hint: It’s All In The Mattress
As many of you know, I had terrible hip pain during my first pregnancy and nothing helped. People suggested all kinds of pillows and speical support things but really, none of it helped and I was just in pain all the time. Right before I got pregnant this time, we invested in a great new Tuft & Needle mattress and guess what? I haven’t had a second of hip pain at all this time around. Which leads me to believe that the secret to how to sleep comfortably while pregnant without special pillows is all in the mattress!
Me At 36 Weeks
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, shares a rundown of her 36th week of pregnancy. Find out more!
Me At 35 Weeks
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, shares a rundown of her 35th week of pregnancy. Find out more!
Me At 34 Weeks
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, shares a rundown of her 34th week of pregnancy. Find out more!