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I'm winding down my time in my second trimester and I'm at 23 weeks into second pregnancy.
Me At 23 Weeks
As I did with my first pregnancy, I'm taking photos and doing a cute week-by-week FYI session from here on out (ala Little Baby Garvin).
How far along?
23 Weeks.
Total weight gain/loss:
Still at 20 pounds (keeping in mind that I started 50 pounds overweight). I changed up my routine so now I'm working out more.
Maternity clothes?
Still rockin' the Old Navy tank tops and maternity workout pants all day, every day.
I have some maternity shapewear that I busted out to help me with my posture (and to smooth out my post-first pregnancy belly flap).
Stretch marks?
Sleeping well and no need for any pillow support!
Best moment this week:
Watching Melanie connect more and more with having a baby brother in my belly.
For the last few nights, she's been patting and kissing my bump “night night” before she goes to bed.
Miss Anything?
Turkey sandwiches, salami sandwiches, SANDWICHES.
He definitely doesn't like it when I sit on the couch with my feet up on the coffee table – I think it squeezes him.
Food cravings:
All tomatoes all the time. Though I ate so many last week that I got a fever blister.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
My husband offered to make me an egg sandwich and I gagged.
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
Wedding rings on or off?
Still haven't put them back on after removing them last week to make tacos. OOPS.
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy but anxious about our house and finances.
Looking forward to:
Getting in my in-laws's pool with Melanie.
In other news, we picked up a bunch of baby boy clothes this weekend and checked out some sit n' stand strollers because we're thinking that with a runner like Melanie… we'll need one.
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