Um. So this two week update is like, almost a week late… AGAIN. Whatever. Still counts, y'all. Here's a rundown of Baby Melly at Two Weeks Old. P.S. I promise that I'll only be doing weekly baby updates for this first month. Once we hit four weeks, I'll move to doing them once a month.
Age: 2 Weeks
Favorite Foods: Breastmilk. Had some serious breastfeeding issues during weeks one and two and had to supplement with formula. She HATED the bottles and formula (much to mom's relief) and was happy to get back on le boob as soon as possible.
Favorite Sounds: Daddy's voice… always, Daddy's voice is her favorite. She's also starting to respond to Nana and Auntie Lucia's voices, too.
Favorite Things: Boobies. Snuggling with Daddy.
Favorite Activities: Nursing. Riding in the car.
Least Favorite Activities: Dirty diapers. Getting nose love from Hank. Laying on her back to sleep.
Signature Moves: “Inchworming” her way up and down on Daddy's chest while they snuggle. Giving people “the finger” (Mommy may or may not have taught her how to do this…).
Mommy's Best Moment: Finally breaking through our nursing issues and working like a friggin' breastfeeding team!
Daddy's Best Moment: Driving the shopping cart over the bumps at the grocery store just to watch her cheeks jiggle.
Mommy and Daddy's Not-So-Best Moments: Knocking her in the head with a Diet Coke can. Falling asleep while holding her and then dropping her (she's fine – I'll do a post on this later).
What about y'all? How was your baby's second week?
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