Melanie is 5 months old (so fun)! And teething (less fun). I'm so thrilled to see her really starting to connect with people and her toys – it'll make Christmas more fun! Here's a five month update for y'all (I'm sharing this in a format that I plan on using in a photobook featuring her first year):
You are starting to sit in a high chair with blankets as padding.
You have long and animated conversations with your toys and the dog.
Your Grandpa is trying to teach you to crawl and you’re so close!
You are backtracking on sleeping in your crib at night.
You started teething and your bottom front teeth are in.
You are starting to get more baby fat. Such cute thighs!
You like to have someone carry you around all the time.
You love chewing on a spoon and rolling around in your crib.
You are teething like mad and SCREAMING all the time.
You love the interactive toys people have been giving you for Christmas.
Mommy's favorite thing to do with you is play during diaper changes.
Daddy's favorite thing to do is show you off to everyone.
We just love you.
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