I’m not really a make-up kinda girl but I do like to have a clean and natural look when I’m out and about among people. And during my honeymoon, I was always out and about among people. So, pre-honeymoon I perfected my honeymoon make-up must haves and now I’m sharing them with you:
Wedding Wednesday: My Wedding Day Make-up and Hair and How Much They Cost
Remember how I scored my entire wedding day outfit (dress, shoes, veil, and jewelry) for only $60.80? Well, guess how much I spent on my hair and make-up? $0. That’s right – I had professional looking (and lasting) hair and make-up done for my wedding and didn’t spend a dime.
Wedding Wednesday: My Lips Suck. Help Me Pick Better Ones.
Remember how y’all helped me figure out my wedding day hair? And then my wedding jewelry? And how about when y'all chimed in on my wedding inviation suite? Then you helped me choose my wedding reception centerpieces? Well guess what?…