As many of you know, my little family travels A LOT. Mostly for my work (to conferences or for appearances) but we also love to go on vacations as a family, too. One of my kids’s favorite things about traveling is staying at hotels. As long as there’s a pool and an elevator – they’re entertained! I think we spend half our waking days in the hotel pool… mostly, because our SwimWays Baby Spring Float Activity Center makes playing in the water with Finn so safe and so easy.
Newborn Baby Must Haves
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, shares a short list of newborn baby must haves that worked for her during those first, hazy days.
20 Things I Said During My First Month of Motherhood
It’s an odd little party, motherhood.The days are long, the nights are longer, your boobs droop, and a your life is ruled by a tiny bald person who expects you to clean their butt. And the weird part? You love…
Major Parenting Milestones that No One Talks About
There are a lot of milestones in parenting and in the lives of your kids. Big exciting ones like the first time they get a tooth or their first word. Not so exciting, yet still important ones, like first vaccines and…
An Adorable Way to Watch Your Kids Grow with Mott’s from Walmart
[su_note note_color=”#ffffff”]// This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Mott’s®. All thoughts and opinions are my own. //[/su_note] Let’s be real. When you think of applesauce – you think of Mott’s. I know I do. Mott’s has…
You Are All Your Baby Needs That First Year Featuring WaterWipes
The first year with a new baby is a lot of things. Amazing. Fun. Frustrating. Exhausting. Awesome. It can also be overwhelming – very overwhelming. There is so much change and advice comes to you from every direction. Everyone will tell you what they think your need to do and what your baby needs to thrive. But guess what? YOU are all your baby needs that first year – truly, that is all. WaterWipes understands that and is here to support you during that first year with your new baby.
The 10 People You Meet At Library Storytime
I’ve been lucky enough for the last year to be able to snag the car from my husband (we’re a one car family) once a week so I can take my daughter to storytime at our local library. Since it’s literally the only time she gets to socialize with other children during the week, I’ve worked really hard to be sure and get us there no matter what. Sure, she sucks at sitting still and listening (and frequently stand RIGHT IN FRONT of the book being read) but she’s definitely grown and gotten better at participating. I do love seeing her enjoy the new books and playing with toys but, I gotta tell ya, as a total introvert, I’m totally over being there with other parents. I KNOW! I’m an asshole. But listen, they’re all there and have all these different personalities and, for my social anxious ass, it’s super overwhelming. And they all basically fall into the same groups, or, as I like to call it – the 10 people you meet at library storytime:
The Best Investment You Can Make As A Second Time Parent Is The Evenflo Sibby Travel System and the Ride-Along Board
I’m about to become a two-time parent and with it came a HUGE issue that I hadn’t anticipated. How am I supposed to safely wrangle and transport a newborn and a rambunctious 3 year old around San Antonio (and on future road trips and vacations)? As many of you know, my daughter is not a quiet, sit in a stroller seat kinda kid. She’s more of a let’s-see-how-fast-and-far-I-can-run-away kid. We’ve been using a leash (and 100% happy with that decision) but really did somewhere for her to relax when we went out for a long day at the rodeo or park. And it also needed to accommodate her new brother and his growing needs. Luckily, I realized that the best investment you can make as a second time parent is the Evenflo Sibby Travel System and the Ride-Along Board.
Why Chemical Free Baby Care Is So Important And How WaterWipes Is Helping You Achieve It
As many of you know, I just had my second child (Welcome to the world, Finn!) and we are knee deep in babyness over here. It’s all uninterrupted sleep, boobs, and diapers. SO. MANY. DIAPERS. And you know what that means? So. Many. Wipes. And with that many wipes comes toxins and chemicals… or does it? Y’all know that I’m SUPER picky about keeping my house green and toxin-free. I strive to make it a safe haven for my family. But that’s so tough to do with baby wipes! That’s why I’m so delighted to discover WaterWipes! A company that is passionate about sharing why chemical free baby care is so important and how they are helping you achieve it.
Work At Home Mom: Ideology Versus Reality
I was raised by a work at home mom (my mom has had her own accounting business for 40+ years) and, to me, it was the ideal situation if I ever became a mom. I’d get to spend time with my kids and be there for special school days or to volunteer but I’d also get to help make money for the household and retain a little of my pre-kid independence. And I’m thrilled to say that, for the most part, I’m incredibly happy to be a WAHM. Sure, it’s exhausting and demanding and I routinely forget to brush my teeth, but, all in all, I like it. However, I have noticed that when you tell people that you’re a mom who works from home – they… really DO NOT get it. It’s funny to me to hear what people think WAHMs do (compared to what we actually do) so I’ve come up with this little graphic to show you what it’s like to be a Work At Home Mom: Ideology Versus Reality.
What Toddlers Eat: One Week of Meals
San Antonio lifestyle blogger, Cris Stone, recorded and is sharing the meals she served her toddler for one week.
How to Survive the Boredom of Breastfeeding
Let me let y’all in on a secret. Breastfeeding is boring. Like, BORING. Watching paint dry might be more exciting. Listening to a member of the Tea Party is more interesting. Seriously, B to the O to the R-ING. Boring….