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I'm at 25 weeks in my second pregnancy and inching closer and closer to the end of my second trimester.
Me At 25 Weeks
As I did with my first pregnancy, I'm taking photos and doing a cute week-by-week FYI session from here on out (ala Little Baby Garvin).
How far along?
25 Weeks.
Total weight gain/loss:
25 pounds (Remember that I I started out about 50 pounds overweight).
Personally, I'm happy with it since, at this time in my last pregnancy, I had gained 75 pounds by this point.
So, YES. I am dramatically overweight but I'm happy with how much better I'm doing this time around.
Could I be doing better? Yes. But I'm trying not to stress out about my weight and focus on working out and being healthy.
Maternity clothes?
All Old Navy tank tops and maternity workout pants EVERY SINGLE DAY.
But I'm seriously loving this top and I wear it whenever I go out (i.e. the grocery store, Target, library time).
Stretch marks?
Yes, ma'am.
Sleeping great and no need for any pillow support! This is SO MUCH BETTER than my first go around.
Best moment this week:
We had another check up on Friday and Melanie is really starting to love to hear her brother's heartbeat.
She also really loves riding the exam table back down after the appointment!
Miss Anything?
He's starting to move a lot – at my appointment, they had to chase him around to find his heartbeat.
Food cravings:
Same as last week – all tiny tomatoes all the time and hardcore ice cream cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
Weirdly, I've woken up nauseous a couple of days this week.
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
Wedding rings on or off?
Happy or Moody most of the time:
Happy but anxious because we're trying to refinance our house and have so much to do before we sign papers.
Looking forward to:
Finishing the house refinancing so we can apply for an equity loan and make our house bigger.
In other news, I'm starting to get small bursts of nesting so our house is getting lots of sorting and organizing done.
Because of the state of the house, it's not practical for me to decorate but I'm trying really hard to sort, organize, and donate all the stuff to prep the for our possible living room expansion.
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