Over Christmas, we flew round-trip from Austin, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska – and then drove from there to Salcha (and back!). As many of you know, I was born and raised in Alaska and we visit go there to visit my family for Christmas once every two years. This was our first time flying with a toddler (she was 5 months old the last time we did this trip) and I was also several months pregnant. Overall, Melanie did really great during each of our four flights plus the two eight+ hour car rides but I did figure out some tips and suggestions for traveling with a toddler and I’m sharing them with you!
Our Honeymoon Diary: Fenway Park (FINALLY!)
From the beginning of our honeymoon road trip, the only thing I really wanted to do was tour Fenway Park in Boston. The Red Sox are my team and I was dying to visit their historical ball park. We were supposed to stop at Fenway on our way up through New England but an unseasonable MONSOON (not really but it sure felt like it) stopped us. So on the way back down – I was going.
Our Honeymoon Diary: Peabody and Gloucester
After spending the night in Rhode Island, the next couple of days of our honeymoon were spent VERY pleasantly in New England – specifically in Peabody and Gloucester, Massachusetts. Let me tell y’all something, I would move there in a heartbeat. LOVE!
My Honeymoon Road Trip Must Haves
For The Boy and my honeymoon, we hit the road for a two week tour from Texas to Maine and back. It was really relaxing and fun and I highly recommend it to anyone! Along the way, I learned something – that I DID NOT pack very well for the trip. Like, at all. I’ll blame it on post-wedding brain. Yeah, that’s good. Post-wedding brain. Learn from my mistakes y’all. Here’s My Honeymoon Road Trip Must Haves:
Our Honeymoon Diary: Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Virginia, Washington, Rhode Island Road Trip
We started our honeymoon road trip the Tuesday after our wedding very, very early in the morning. We loaded up the car and headed out of Texas. Since we’ve already traveled around Texas a lot, we decided not to linger in the state and just head straight through to Louisiana.
Our Honeymoon Diary: Top Ten Reasons to go on a Honeymoon Road Trip
For our honeymoon, we did a two week road trip from San Antonio, Texas to a little past Portland, Maine and back. No planning, no schedule, no appointments, no booking – just us and the road. And it ended up being pretty damn great!
Our Honeymoon: A Road Trip Photo Dump
Still on my honeymoon, y'all but wanted to share some photos from our New England road trip honeymoon! Enjoy!