// Originally posted January 2013. //
Oh man. Color me a loser.
Yep, I'm one of those people – one of the dorks that passed out cold when they took my blood for testing.
For the record, the lab techs told me it's VERY common for pregnant women to pass out during blood work-ups.
Doesn't make it any less embarrassing though.
My Pregnancy: I Passed Out Getting My Blood Taken
Read on to found out more about how, during my pregnancy, I passed out getting my blood taken.
I Am Not A Needlephobe
Before I start this tale, you should know that I hate getting my blood drawn.
You should also know that I am not a pain wuss or needlephobe.
For fucks sake, I have multiple tattoos (some in really sensitive places) and plan on getting more!
But there's just something about getting lab work done that kicks my ass.
I go pale, get sweaty, and my vision starts to blur. It blows.
My Appointment
On this day, the Boy and I were in for a mountain of appointments and testing (that's what happens when your insurance company dicks you around and you don't get in to see a doctor until your 20th week of pregnancy).
We got to our appointment early enough to eat breakfast first but I was so nervous about the day that I barely touched my food.
Then, during orientation, I was told that they needed me to do “some blood lab work” and to go immediately to get it done.
I was handed a paper with four tests marked off.
All The Tests
FOUR. Ugh.
I thought I was going to pass out right there but managed to hide it really well (I did ask The Boy to come with me and hold my hand).
We went to the lab and first I had to do a urine specimen.
Normally, this is no issue but let me tell you – when you're pregnant, trying to clean yourself and then aim into a cup is no small task.
Then, I had to give blood…
The Blood. Oh, The Blood.
This lab is a bloodwork factory, there's a long row of open cubicles and they just cycle people in and out (which is great because you don't have to wait around long).
However, when I saw how crowded it was – I elected to get my blood drawn alone because it looked too cramped to have The Boy with me.
Also, I thought “Hey, I'm a damn grown-up. I can DO this.”
I Was Wrong.
I had a trainee and her supervisor was right across from us watching.
I warned the trainee that I hated getting my blood taken and that I was really anxious about it.
But honestly, I wasn't worried about passing out – just crying like a baby.
Almost immediately after the trainee put the first needle in, I started getting sweaty.
The supervisor was next to me in a minute and started fanning me with a spare folder.
One vial, two, three. I was doing okay.
On the fourth vial, I asked the trainee if we were almost done. She replied, “We're halfway.”
And That's When It All Went Downhill.
I started feeling dizzy and my vision blurred really badly.
The supervisor got out an ice pack and held it to my neck.
At the same time, she continued to fan me and give the trainee detailed instructions on how to take the least amount of blood needed.
Then they quickly gauzed me and had me rest a bit.
After a few minutes, I thought I needed to go to the bathroom. I insisted on going.
The supervisor told me about how the toilets were equipped with emergency pull cords (oh, so now I'm a hundred years old).
I was carefully making my way to the bathroom when it happened…
I Passed Out.
Right inside the door, I felt myself go but had the presence of mind to carefully bend my knees and slide down the length of the wall onto the floor (Thank you, theater training!).
The crappy part?
I was literally passed out and blocking the bathroom door – just like college but not drunk and less filthy (I mean, I'm guessing. I'm one of those nerds who has never drank and didn't go to parties).
Several lab techs (and the supervisor) all rushed over to help me and I was able to tell them that “I can hear you and talk but I just can't move”.
Me And The Bathroom Floor.
I stayed on that bathroom floor for like, five minutes.
It was especially mortifying because that's the only bathroom and people had to step over me to get to the stalls and do their tests.
Plus, I was blocking the only sink so people had to step over me AGAIN to wash their hands. Awesome.
I was finally able to sit up and drink some water but had to stay there for another few minutes because my legs were too shaky to allow me to stand up.
At some point, I asked the techs if this was the stuff of office Christmas party stories. Everyone laughed and told me “no” (Liars.).
When I Recovered.
Finally, I was able to convince the supervisor to let me go back to my husband in the waiting room.
She told me that it was fine but she was escorting me because “I had already proved I was not to be trusted” (this was said while laughing).
In the waiting room, after I told my husband that I had passed out but didn't fall hard or hurt the baby, he started laughing and busting my ass.
For the next couple of minutes, I got to enjoy the supervisor and my husband making fun of me. Awesome.
The Best, BEST Part Of The Day?
Later that afternoon, the nurse practitioner had me do ANOTHER blood test.
And when I went in for it?
Every single person knew me (“The Chick Who Passed Out”) and came out of their cubicles to watch the supervisor take my blood (The Boy and I decided that they had a “when will she pass out” pool going).
For the record, everyone was really sweet and this time, they had me lie down and insisted that my husband be with me.
Esha Dogra says
I didn’t pass out in two of my blood tests which were more than 3 vials. Although, I was scared. But today, when I was least expecting, after just a tiny amount of blood I passed out :(. Started with lightheadedness then blurred vision and then completely out. It made me feel so embarrassed. Pregnancy is a mystery.
Cris says
Solidarity, sister.
Naomi says
Today I got about 8 or so vials of blood collected for first trimester tests and I made it til the last one then felt like I was going to pass out and of course, I did. Luckily I was still sitting down but the nurse seemed scared. She gave me
Cris says
So glad you had the presence of mind to sit down. My dumb ass did not.
Khristen says
I am 8 weeks and just got 6 vials of blood drawn. I made it to the last one but I have never fainted before. I let her know I might puke, she gave me a bag and that is all I remember until one of the nurses was trying to get my head back up. Luckily I was sitting and there was an armrest in front of me so I fell into that. It is my first pregnancy so I am super worried about the baby. My doctor isn’t answering either! No one told me about the anxiety of the unknown in pregnancy.
Cris says
It’s so much blood and can feel overwhelming but generally, it’s just routine and your baby will be fine. Write down specific questions to ask your doctor before your next appointment – that always helped my anxiety a lot.
Dina says
Thanks for writing about this; it happened to me today. It is 4 hrs later and I still don’t feel great. My episode was a little different as I stayed as vocal as I could throughout the whole experience, “I am seeing black spots” “uff I am fading” “I feel like I’m going under” and a group of nurses rushed, ice packs on my neck, ammonia and scents at my nose, and loud instructions “don’t close your eyes” “stay with us” “breathe deep”….But then something very strange and upsetting happened, I started losing sensation in my hands, wrists and arms, then my arms tensed up and began shaking. Looking at my palms they were white, all the color gone, my nails were purplish and all I wanted and needed to do was lay down. But they kept me in the seat.
I’m in my 1st trimester and I’m so worried this shock may have affected the baby. It was really rough on my body, and as I said I’m still not back to 100% normal.
Cris says
I’m so sorry you experienced this. I wouldn’t stress out too much about your baby – mine was just fine and I was laid out flat. Check with your doctor though! It harms no one for you to ask.
Taylor says
I have been getting better with blood work but I’m in my first trimester and they took out 8 tubes and I almost went down. My concern is if I pass out with just taking out blood, how will I be when delivery comes? So nervous!!
Cris says
I passed out getting my blood drawn and when on to have two pretty relaxed labors and deliveries. I think the difference was that I felt more in control of my laboring and completely venerable getting my blood drawn.
J.M.K says
I have had two separate episodes from blood draws while pregnant…
Went to get the blood work done while pregnant with my second, just myself and my young daughter… I was fine for a few but then body started getting numb & I told the lady I wasn’t feeling well when I threw up, flinging my glasses across the room & accidentally peeing myself from the full body convulsions of throwing up.
The second incident… I went to get blood drawn on my own with my two daughters while pregnant with my third. Again I was fine with the first few vials but then felt my body go numb and told the nurse… I closed my eyes & leaned my head back not wanting to throw up like the one time and the next thing I know I was waking up. I stayed calm because my girls were in the room watching the whole thing and I asked the lady if I had passed out and she confirmed I did… She was very nice and made me sit & take my time before allowing me to leave with my girls. I then just sat in my car as well because I wanted to be feeling 100% before I drove with my girls in the car… Hubby still came to get me though. My family agrees I am not allowed to get blood work now unless I go with someone who can drive just in case.
Cris says
I feel you HARD. I am also not allowed to get blood drawn without an adult present!