So last Fitness Friday I announced my plans to tackle this here crazy diet called, aptly, The 7 Day Diet. Because it lasts for 7 days. And it's supposed to help you (relatively safely) lose about 10 pounds in 7…
Fitness Friday: It Still Fits, The Boy Gets Healthy, and More on Hot Patrick)!
It’s another Fitness Friday and guess what? IT STILL FITS! Woot! That’s big news from someone with a looong history of losing weight and then quickly gaining it all back (and then some). I definitely still need to lose more…
Fitness Friday: IT FITS!!!
If you are a woman – then you know EXACTLY what the title of this post means. I tried on my dress a couple of weeks ago on a whim and, to my complete amazement, zipped that sucker up BY…
Fitness Friday: My New Meal/Eating Plan (From Hot Patrick)
It’s Fitness Friday, y’all and I’ve got the goods for you today! Specifically, I’m sharing the details of Hot Patrick’s new meal plan for me. It’s actually not anything weird or complicated – it is a little unusual though. At…
Fitness Friday: Still Plugging Away and Taking Your Questions
I'm baaaack! I'm gonna jump right into this post since I'm a workin' woman now (with one of them there "real" jobs!) and, frankly, don't have much to tell you on the fitness front (Missed a Fitness Friday? Check out all…
Fitness Friday: New Routine, New Eating, New Clothes… And Hot Patrick
It’s another Fitness Friday, y’all and I’ve got tons of news. First, a confession – I forgot to weigh myself this week so I could share my progress (or backward slide) with you. Sorry about that – I have a…
Fitness Friday: My Big, Fat, Epic Plateau Update (4 Month Mark)
It’s been about four months since I publicly admitted my big, fat, epic plateau and for the first few months I did really, really well. Then my dad passed away and I spent the entirety of December eating roughly my weight…
Fitness Friday: What the Fuck is My Fitness Pal?!?!
It’s that time again! It’s Fitness Friday – the time every two weeks when I report back to y’all about my fitness journey (as promised). I've been doing much better lately (even though my elliptical gave up the ghost last…
Fitness Friday: My Big, Fat, Epic Plateau Update (3 Month Mark)
It’s been about three and half months since I publicly admitted my big, fat, epic plateau and December was a really, really hard month for me. Basically, I spent the entirety of the last month cramming everything that didn’t move into…
Fitness Friday: Sometimes You Fail
Well, I have a downer of a Friday Fitness post for y’all this week. As some of you know, my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer back in July and I was summoned home last week to be with him…
Fitness Friday: My Big, Fat, Fitness Plateau (10 Weeks Later)
It’s been two and half months since I publicly admitted my big, fat, epic plateau and this last month was a hard one for me. But, the good news is that while I didn’t manage to lose more than one…
Fitness Friday: Finding the Motivation to be Healthy
It’s that time again! It’s Fitness Friday – the time every two weeks when I report back to y’all about my fitness journey (as promised). And… I didn’t do so well last week. In fact, I did SO poorly that…