Those of you who have followed my wedding planning from the beginning know that I wanted to have something tangible and lasting AFTER the whole shebang was over (I mean, next to a kick ass husband). Sure, we have gorgeous photos and a couple of little bits of decor smattered around the house but I really wanted something sentimental and personal to look at and love long after our vows. Finally, I settled on a wedding quilt.
Wedding Wednesday: Our Ceremony Music
I’ve gotten a few reader requests asking me about the music we used for our wedding ceremony. So, here y’all go:
Wedding Wednesday: Our Texas Wedding Ceremony and Vows
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that our wedding ceremony was the most important thing during The Boy and my wedding planning. When we had our quickie ceremony in Alaska back in July of 2011, I wrote the entire ceremony the night before so that my sweet daddy could officiate it before he passed away. I wrote that sucker at 11 o’clock the night before the wedding and truly, truly loved it.
Wedding Wednesday: Our Thank Cards DIY
So, The Boy and my wedding is long over but the DIYs continue! Today, I’m going to share the cute-as-can-be thank you cards that I created. For the record, I sent our thank yous out way, way, WAY late – like, so beyond the polite post-wedding etiquette timeline. But I have a good excuse, I was waiting for my photos to come back from my photographer (who was knee-deep in wedding season). Once they did… I was ON it.
Wedding Wednesday: I’m Giving Away my Wedding Dress for FREE
I’m sharing the amazing story behind my FREE wedding dress and then giving it away (yes, FOR FREE) to one of you!
Laser Hair Removal. I’m Doing it and Answering your Questions about it.
I've talked about my experience with laser hair removal on Twitter and Facebook a bit in the last few months and always seem to get a ton of questions and comments. So, I'm answering your questions today (The best I…
Fitness Friday: Here’s What Works For Me
So, it's been a while since I've done one of these. The good news? I fit in my wedding dress. The bad news? I, um, don't anymore. Let's just say that I really, REALLY enjoyed my honeymoon. I think that…
Wedding Wednesday: A Few Shots from our Wedding Ceremony
Hands down. Our wedding ceremony was THE BEST part of the whole wedding thing. But maybe we should have thought about weighing down the fabric streamer backdrop (like everyone told us to. D'oh!): Images Courtesy of: Carlos Castillo Also, probably…
Fitness Friday: Weight Loss Works!
I'm going to keep today's Fitness Friday post short and sweet because, truly, photos say so much more that words ever could. When i started this whole weight loss journey, my intent was to teach myself how to become healthier,…
Wedding Wednesday: The Out-Of-Town Guest Welcome Bags
I'm baaaa-aaack! And, even though I'm married, I'm still bringin' you Wedding Wednesday 'cuz, bitches, we got lots to discuss! And today's discussion is… the out-of-town guest welcome bags that I (and a "willing" crew) DIYed after the first guests…
Wedding Wednesday: Some Wedding Photo Sneak Peekage
So, I don't know if y'all heard but I got myself married a couple of weeks ago. The Oh-fficial weddin' photos won't be available for another month or so but here's a few snapshots form the day to tide you…
Around Here {The Day Before Our Wedding}
It's the day before our wedding. Last night was the rehearsal dinner. It was a blast – one of the best times of my life. Thank you everyone. I can honestly say that I an truly excited for tomorrow.