Oh. My. Gah. Has it really been six weeks since I publicly admitted my big, fat, epic plateau? Amazing – that post was SO difficult for me to write but I’m thrilled that I did because it (and y’all) truly kicked my ass into gear. Don’t believe me? Well, let me prove it to you – visual style:
September 15th, 2011
November 4, 2011:
Here’s the breakdown:
Start Weight: 153.4 lbs. My Weight Now: 142.6 lbs.
Start Body Fat: 35.6% My Body Fat Now: 32.3%
Start Hips: 42" My Hips Now: 41"
Start Chest: 37.5" (D Cup) My Chest Now: 36.5" (C Cup)
Start Waist: 32.5" My Waist Now: 31"
But here’s the big test – can I fit into my wedding dress? Remember how Liz so sweetly gave me her wedding dress (for FREE!)? And remember how I was so excited because I just knew that in a few months I’d be able to fit into it. And then remember how I couldn’t even zip it up?
Well, this was me yesterday:
Yes, yes – I know that I’m sporting major back crack (and somehow managed to look like a crack whore in both photos) but, I assure you – that dress zipped up SO much further than it did when I got it in June. AND, it was not cutting off my air supply or making my fat (except my back) squeeze out everywhere (P.S. We did zip it all the way but I was worried about tearing the fabric so The Boy undid it a bit for the photo).
I know that I’ve still got a long way to go but, for those of you also struggling with fitness, right now feels SO DAMN GOOD. I promise, y'all – it’s all worth it (aaand tears…). *sniff* Alrighty, as I have done in my other Fitness Friday posts – here are my goals from the last 4 weeks:
- Workout five times a week (at least 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training). *Did really well with this – cardio 5x a week and strength training at least 3-4x each week.
- Continue making better food choices – start adding iron rich foods to my diet. *Did better with this and also added a baby iron supplement which seems to be helping a lot.
- Try jogging on the treadmill for five straight minutes. *Jogged for 5 minutes straight at a 5% incline on the treadmill.
- Learn to use the Smith machine at the gym. *The Boy helped me figure this one out and I used it to do Seated Shoulder Presses.
- Do one unassisted pull-up. *Tried this last night and failed spectacularly. Ah, well.
- Get down to 140 pounds. *Not quite but 142 is nothing to sneeze at.
So, here are my goals for the next four weeks:
- Workout five times a week (at least 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training).
- Make better food choices on the weekends and start doing one meatless meal a week.
- Try to make good food choices over Thanksgiving and on Black Friday.
- Try jogging on the treadmill for seven straight minutes.
- Do one unassisted pull-up.
- Come in under 140 pounds.
So, I’m putting it out there again and asking Team Tulle for your support for the next month. Bug me on Twitter, Facebook, check out my Fitness board on Pinterest, and be my friend on My Fitness Pal (I’m akbuilt – invite me to be your friend and I’ll add you to my group!). And please, please keep those practical fitness tips and nutritional suggestions coming – they are REALLY helpful to me. Are you in? Do you want to publicly declare a Fitness Journey of your own? Did you join me in September and now you want to share your progress with Tulle Nation? You know how it goes, y’all… fire away in the comments!
Jessica@TWB says
Keep it going….!
Krissy says
You look so curvy and hot in the wedding dress! Love it! Keep it up! #teamtulle
louise {bijouxbride} says
Looking great Cris! Keep up the great work, you are going to look stunning in that gorgeous dress xx
Favorcraver says
That is a GORGEOUS dress! Congrats, you’re kicking ass 🙂
KissMyTulle says
Thanks, guys! I know that I’ve still got a ways to go but damn! It feels so good to be under 20 pounds and less than 2″ away from my goal!
Julie of Kiss and Punch Designs says
Keep up the great work! You are kicking butt! 🙂 You’ll be zipping away in that stunning dress of yours!
I’m about to start my own fitness journey as I’m supposed to be in a bikini in 4 weeks. Yikes. I know Tracy Anderson gets a lot of criticism, but I’ve seen my best results with her program. Her accessory muscle workouts really help me slim down.
Good luck with the next 4 weeks! <3
Allie H says
Girl you are rocking it!!!!! now you need to take another pic of you in the dress and SMILE!
Nora says
Omg you are phenomenal!! Over ten pounds is AMAZING!! You look so good!!!